I�am bad at sly codes and worse at saying what I�mean to.
Just start reading my mind from now on, please.
Wait, on second thought (har), that might turn out even worse.
There are a lot of things I want to say, to a scattered handful. Iapos;ll probably gobble up most of it, and keep it to myself, because Iapos;m stubborn and because the timing isnapos;t right, or because there isnapos;t the opportunity, there isnapos;t the invitation, and because there isnapos;t a proper medium. Also, because maybe they wouldnapos;t want to hear it, or they wouldnapos;t even care. Iapos;ve already been talking more than I should, or more than I used to, and Iapos;m not sure I like it. Same broken record, same responses.
I am excited for AMC fearfest to start, just like I enjoy the SciFi 31 Days of Halloween. I know itapos;s cheesy, but I love curling up during October, spending nights watching horror movies good and bad, alike. We watched Stay Alive, tonight, and Dragon Wars. Success.
One more exam before I go home. I�need to buckle down and focus on it.
I have nothing of value to say
Well, other than this: Baby, you deserve far more than this world gives you. You deserve someone who returns all that you give of yourself. I�wish I could patch you myself, but I canapos;t, but remember that I love you, for what itapos;s worth. Iapos;ll be home, soon, and I would like to give you a big hug.
big little revealing, big little present, big little poetry sister sister, big little poem sister sister.

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